by Monique Hall is available at Amazon
There were no sirens or alarms to warn of impending doom. Nothing but a case of indigestion, followed by nausea. Then came the intense chest pains. An hour later, Monique Hall was dead, the victim of three successive cardiac arrests. But this was not to be the end of her road. Thanks to a fast-acting emergency room doctor and his team, Monique was yanked back from the brink of death. Fully aware of her circumstances but unable to communicate with those around her, she clawed her way back to the land of the living, and by sheer will pulled off an impossible recovery.
Reset – My Heart Stopped But I Didn’t is the first-person testimony of a miracle. It is also a cautionary tale that sheds light on how cardiac arrest strikes women differently, and how often it is overlooked by patients and medical professionals alike until it’s too late. In sharing her near-death experience and harrowing road to healing, the author documents what it was like to exist on the narrow boundary between life and death—and how faith in God and love of family enabled her to claim victory over certain death to share her inspiring true story of survival.
Reset – My Heart Stopped But I Didn’t is now available at Amazon in paperback or Kindle edition.
Monique Hall is a cardiac arrest survivor who lives in San Diego with her husband, son and two yorkiepoos. She is an Ambassador for the American Heart Association and a guest speaker at Abiomed and medical conferences.