Book cover

The Do’s and Don’ts of Book Covers

Book covers sell books! This is well-known in the industry. With a well-designed cover, an author can capture the attention of readers and inspire them to purchase the author’s work. So, how do you create a great book cover that will do just this? Read on to learn about the do’s and don’ts of book covers.

Size Matters

The size of a book cover is important, particularly for online purchases. When reviewing books online, the covers look particularly small. As an author, you have little space to capture the reader’s attention, so keep it simple! Amazon recommends ebook covers be 600 x 800 pixels. Don’t mix art styles or illustrations with photos. Keep it simple!


Do not add extra text to your cover. It clutters up the visual attributes. Only put your name and the book title on the cover. An exception to this is if you are writing a series. Telling readers which book number in your series may inspire them to purchase the other books in your series. Make sure that the text color you use stands out clearly and does not blend in with the background art.


Make sure that your cover art is consistent with your books. This is especially important if you are writing a series. Simply change the font color (but not the font), or use a different color background.

Stand Out

Leaving an impression is one of the most important aspects of book design. Your book needs to stand out from the hundreds of other books on the shelf. It would be wise to hire a professional book designer to help you with the cover. Like it or not, people do judge a book by its cover. Keep it simple and elegant.


The font you use is critically important. Always use a font that is clearly legible. The font should present the mood of your book to potential readers. The book title should be larger than your name, unless you are a famous author. Refrain from using multiple color fonts. Stick with one.

Designing your own book cover is important and something all authors must do well in order to sell books. Look at books in your genre and get inspired! Following the do’s and don’ts of book covers will greatly help you become a more successful author.

For more great tips, check out our other articles!

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