san diego festival of books

San Diego Festival of Books August 25, 2018

The San Diego Festival of Books is a neat venue for authors and readers to connect.

This year’s festival will be held on August 25, 2018 in Liberty Station in the beautiful city of San Diego.

Liberty Station is a neighborhood in San Diego that was once the Navy Training Center. When the base was closed in 1993, it was redeveloped as a residential neighborhood and opened to the public. There remain a number of historic buildings and monuments in the neighborhood that add to its charm.

Thousands of readers will be at the festival. The event will feature a number of authors, both famous and obscure.

Authors will be present to sell books and to autograph copies for their fans. Please visit Author’s Alley for an opportunity to meet with authors, discuss your favorite books and purchase a signed copy of the author’s latest work.

Map to the Festival of Books

Click here.

Family Fun

The Festival of Books is a fun event for the whole family. Adults will enjoy the safe atmosphere as well as great shopping and dining opportunities. There will be a kid’s area for the children as well as other events. Children’s authors will read their books to the kids and there may even be some puppets! Click here to see the Children’s Pavilion exhibitors.

We Will Be There! will be attending as will vampire author M. A. Marrissette. Stop by and say hi. Pick up an autographed copy of her book, New Breed.

Schedule of Events

Click here for the events.


Tickets are on sale now for only $3! Click here.

Check It Out

If you’d like to learn more about this exciting event, please click this link to their website:

Here is a brief video about the event:

Are you planning on going to the event? Let us know in the comment section below!

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