Write an eBook in 7 Days

Writing a book can be both exciting and profitable! Many folks nowadays read digital books known as ebooks on their mobile devices. This guide from Jim Edwards helps you write an ebook in 7 days!

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Jim Edwards has helped thousands of authors become successful online. We highly recommend his guide and his courses.

Yes, we know…ick! another annoying sales pitch from a supposed coach. We understand and typically feel the same way as you. However, this time, we have to admit that Jim’s program is actually top-notch!

But, don’t just take our word. Look at what so many others have said about Jim’s program on how to write an ebook in 7 days!


“Six days after completing the course, I finished my first eBook…”
If you’re serious about writing an eBook and actually getting it published on the Internet, you can’t do better than Jim Edwards’ course, 7Day eBook v2.0.Edward’s original book was good, but this updated course brings the information into the age of the Kindle and other eBook readers. The session on choosing an eBook topic that has sales potential is actually worth the full price of the course. Can it work? Well, I can tell you that six days after completing the course, I finished my first eBook, complete with cover graphics and an audiobook version as a bonus. Get the course, follow the instructions, publish, rinse, and repeat.
– Gary MacFadden

“If you have always believed you could write an ebook but didn’t know
where to start, this is the place to go.”

If you have always believed you could write an ebook but didn’t know where to start, this is the place to go. Jim makes it so easy in a step by step format, with plenty of tips and tricks that he has learned the hard way in over a decade of marketing ebooks.
– Dy Witt

“This training will save you time and money and you will finally get your e-book done and published!”
Fantastic training, Jim! Thank you so much for all the obvious hard work you put into this training. You covered every topic and question I had about creating my e-book and more. You certainly over delivered. For those even contemplating creating an e-book, you must get this training before you take another step. This training will save you time and money and you will finally get your e-book done and published!
– Allison Higgins

“I really appreciate the fact that you are making your classes reasonable in price.”
As usual, this training was very thorough. I always know that I am going to get my money’s worth from your courses, which is the reason that I keep coming back for more. I really appreciate the fact that you are making your classes reasonable in price.
– Anne Buchanan

“One word. . .value”
One word. . .value. For the price and time, Jim’s course is great, well worth it.And I’m looking forward to his marketing course !
– Greg Nelson

The Bottom-Line

As with all endeavors, the results are mixed. Some folks do fairly well, some folks do exceptionally well, and some don’t do well at all. However, from our review of the write an ebook in 7 days course, we believe that the knowledge Jim shares is valuable. More valuable than the price he charges. Heck, maybe we should start charging for our content? LOL Just kidding! We’d never do that to you.

As with many things, talent will only get you so far in life. At some point, we need a little direction. That’s where 80percentdone.com and Jim Edwards come in. You can have all of the tips and advice we post for FREE, but we don’t offer classes on publishing ebooks. Not yet anyway. Jim Edwards has a good course and, for only $29 for the course, we recommend you try it.

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