Author Signing Event

Author Signing Events

Author signing events at local book stores are a great way to market to readers. Let’s face it. Any chance to sell to potential customers is a great opportunity.

What to Expect

As an author, you usually are provided with a table which may or may not have a table cloth. The table may be a full table or a half table. One of our author-friends, Patricia Bossano decorates her table with colorful cloths and give-aways. She writes about fairies and so her table design reflects her style. Author M. A. Marrissette writes about vampires and has garlic cloves decorating her table.

You will also need to bring your own display board or posters, business cards, bookmarks, etc. Having a great display can bring attention to you and help you sell books. Most readers love to receive bookmarks and other free swag. Bring a good pen to personalize and sign book copies for your fans!

The book store will typically have a few copies of your book to sell. You are expected to sell them before your own copies, naturally. If you sell out of the book store copies, they will sell any copies you bring copies and basically buy them off of you.

Another part of an event is the author presentation and reading. This is an opportunity to address fans and potential customers. You should dress well and be prepared as you would for any speaking engagement. Choose a brief excerpt from your book and also have a presentation ready. An open Q & A with the audience is also a good idea, time permitting.

Have you participated in any author events? Share them with us below in the comment section!

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