Top 5 Ways to Promote Your Self-Published Book

Getting a self-published book into bookstores like Barnes & Noble may be difficult, although there are ways to do it. Below are the top 5 ways to promote your self-published book.

Build a Website

A handsome website is an essential marketing tool for every aspiring author and business person. You absolutely need a website! Thankfully, you can easily create one using the many website companies out there such as WordPress. If you don’t want to invest the time into doing it yourself, there are many web developers ready to work with you for a fee. Having a website is definitely a key strategy to promote your work.


Social Media Participation

Many successful authors actively participate in social media platforms such as Facebook and Pinterest. By doing so, you can create a following of people interested in your genre and book. These followers will often convert to paying customers! Be sure you participate regularly and provide content that is valuable to your followers. Remember, the more social media you use, the wider your audience becomes!

Local Bookstores

There are a lot of bookstores in the country. By visiting the ones in your city, you will be able to meet face to face with decision-makers who will very likely be interested in carrying your book. Ask them if they work with local authors! Our local Barnes & Noble does and we have worked with them for years.

Don’t stop at just one store! Go to all of the bookstores in your city and ask them to carry your book. You will find that many are willing to do so provided they have the means to order copies online.

Book Signings

Who doesn’t love to go to a book signing and meet a favorite author? This is a great opportunity to meet with adoring fans face-to-face and sell some books while you’re at it! One of the most rewarding things to experience is signing your book for a fan who tells you how much they have enjoyed your writing and how much it has touched their lives.

You will also meet other authors at these events and may find inspiration for your next book. Some authors are very friendly and will treat you like family. Authors truly are a community and often help each other succeed.


Using a targeted giveaway is a great strategy to distribute your book to readers. It should be limited in duration, about a month or so, and should be well-marketed. This works best with e-books because the cost to produce these is low and the financial impact for the promotion is less painful. A great way to do this is through Amazon or your own website. Be sure to tell everyone on social media that your book is free for a limited time. The more people who read your book, the more word of mouth and book reviews you will receive!

Have you used any other methods to promote your books? We’d like to know! Please tell us in the comment section below.

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