5 Reasons to Self-Publish

Self-publishing your own book can be a lot of work, but it can also be very rewarding!

Here are 5 Reasons to Self-Publish:

Control Your Own Destiny

You control your own destiny. You get to decide if your book gets published instead of relying on someone else to do so. Let’s face it, publishers are busy people who don’t like to take risks on new authors. If you want your book published, the best choice is to do it yourself.

Earn More Money

You will earn more royalty self-publishing than you would with a traditional brick-and-mortar publisher. The reality is that most major publishers will demand most of the revenue from your book sales, leaving you with only 5% to 15% in royalties. By self-publishing, you can earn up to 75% royalties! Who doesn’t want to earn more money, right?

Save Time and Effort

By self-publishing, you will get to see your finished work in less time. Larger publishers typically work on an 18-month cycle. By self-publishing, you can see your finished work in a matter of weeks, days, even minutes if you choose to create an eBook.

Get Distribution Easily

You can easily get distribution through Amazon and Barnes & Noble, just like the big companies do. In fact, many of the local community Barnes & Noble stores actually WANT local authors because it helps create a sense of community at the store. Everyone loves to see local authors and buy a personally autographed copy of a great book. Who knows? Maybe you will be signing your books at a local author event soon?

Leave a Legacy

Maybe profit is not your goal. Maybe you just want to publish a book about your family heritage, or a book of your children’s hand drawings, or share what you learned with friends and family. Maybe you are someone who experienced war and want to share with your children so that they might understand. Or maybe you are a world traveler and want to share photos and a journal of your exploits. Self-publishing is a great way to do this at very little cost.

Whatever your personal reasons may be for wanting to publish your book, self-publishing remains a very attractive and cost-effective method for doing so. Check out our book New Breed as an example of what you can do with self-publishing.

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