Master Your Own Destiny!

One of the benefits of becoming an author is that you become master of your own destiny. And who doesn’t want more independence?

What does independence mean to you?

Does it mean being able to choose the type of work you enjoy? Does it mean financial freedom to no longer worry about your bills? Independence can mean many things to a person. For my wife and I, it meant starting our own business and not being slaves to the punch clock. And how were we able to do this, you ask? Well, it sounds obvious, but the answer is hard work!

The first thing we did was take a vampire novel that my wife wrote. We fleshed out the story, tied up any loose strings, and edited it until it shined like a brilliant gem! The novel, New Breed, is now selling all over the world and is helping our dreams come true. My wife is now able to take some time to write her second novel, Phoenix, which should be released shortly.

Many authors try traditional publishing avenues. We did as well, but ran into roadblocks along the way. They either wanted to buy the rights to the book and characters outright, which we were loathe to do, or wanted us to pay thousands of dollars to support the publishing of the novel. We decided that we did not want to give up control over the book and we certainly did not want to work with a vanity publisher.

We chose to self-publish because it gave us the most flexibility and profits. We started our self-publishing adventure on Amazon Kindle. This was an incredibly easy process, but it truly places the entirety of the effort on the author to produce a good product. This is why editing and formatting is so very important! The best benefit of using Amazon Kindle to self-publish is that the majority of the profits go to the author. The author gets to keep up to 70% of the sales proceeds on book sales all over the world. Furthermore, using Amazon KDP to publish is extremely easy. Just upload your book and your ready to sell! It literally takes a few minutes to set up your book for sale and then you receive confirmation from Amazon in 24 to 48 hours. You also get to retain all of the rights to your book and characters. This was extremely important to us because, let’s be honest, writing a book is like having a brain child. You love your book and your characters. You want it to be successful and for others to enjoy your product as much as you enjoyed telling the story!

Becoming a master of your own destiny is something many of us aspire to accomplish. Thankfully, with Amazon KDP and self-publishing, authors can now achieve this!

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